Project name: Community Based Approach to Local Development
Post Title: Energy Strategy Consultant National (Six)
Country / Duty Station: Kyiv, Ukraine
Expected places of travel: Selected six regions in Ukraine (Zaporiz’ka,
Dnipropetrovska, Kharkivska, Lvivska, Ivano-Frankivska, Zakarpatska
Starting date of assignment: 1 October 2012
Duration of the service: Two months
Supervisor’s name and functional post: CBA Project Manager
Payment arrangements: Lump Sum (payments linked to deliverables)
Administrative arrangements: the consultant works on the assignment in
according to the developed and agreed methodology. UNDP will not provide
office space, all administrative expenses (including local travel), if
any, will have to be carried out by the consultant.
Evaluation method: desk review and interview
2. Main objectives of the assignment
Objective of the consultancy is to support regional authorities of
Zaporiz’ka, Dnipropetrovska, Kharkivska, Lvivska, Ivano-Frankivska,
Zakarpatska oblasts in updating their energy efficiency strategy keeping
into consideration in light of innovative/renewable energy, rural focus
and local ownership.
3. Description of responsibilities/scope of work
The task requires (a) analysis, in light of national and regional
energy efficiency policy, of existing situation in the area of energy
efficiency and renewable energy development in the region in general and
in the rural areas in particular; (b) updating of the regional
strategy; and (c) assisting the regional authorities in discussion and
approval of the updated strategy.
- To reach the objectives, each consultant is expected to undertake following tasks:
Get acquainted with CBA Project through desk review, orientation and
field exposure with focus on its energy efficiency component;
Carry out desk review of energy efficiency policy of the Government
including Energy Strategy of Ukraine for the Period until 2030; State
Regional Development Strategy until 2015; State Energy Efficiency
Economic Program for 2010-2015; Sectoral Energy Efficiency and Energy
Saving Program for Housing and Municipal Services of Ukraine for
- Assess the current energy efficiency strategy of
the oblast and selected 4 CBA-rayons in assigned oblast through desk
review, field visits, interview of key informants, and roundtables as
- Prepare updated version of regional strategy and
programs in close consultation with assigned energy focal person and
other relevant experts of regional council and state administration for
assigned oblast in light of the objective of this consultancy and
corresponding to the targets in the framework of Energy Strategy of
Ukraine for the Period until 2030:
- Finalise the updated strategy through regional roundtable involving stakeholders from regional, rayon and community level
- Support discussion of the finalised draft at regional council meeting and incorporate inputs from the meeting participants.
4. Deliverables
- The consultant is to deliver two outputs (in Ukrainian version) for assigned oblast:
- Analytical report of the assessment of regional energy efficiency strategy as per the structure provided by CBA Project;
- Finalized updated regional energy efficiency strategy.
5. Schedule of the assignment
The assignment will be carried out over a period of two months during
which consultant will accomplish all tasks related with the consultancy.
CBA Project will facilitate in the organization of logistics and
necessary coordination as required. Details timeline for specific
activities are envisioned as follows:
- Planning, development of methodology & tools, report outline – 1 day
- Review of CBA related documents, orientation and study visit – 2 days
- Presentation of consultant and future scope of work in assigned oblast – 2 days
- Review of national and regional documents relevant to the task – 9 days
- Analysis of information and consultations with local stakeholders – 14 days
- Preparation and submission of draft assessment report – 7 days
- Review (from CBA) and incorporation of comments – 2 days
- Preparation of draft strategies and programs – 5 days
- Review and incorporation of comments – 3 days
- Regional level discussion of report and strategy – 5 days
- Submission of final report and final strategies and programs (electronic and hard copy) – 10 days
The contract will be based on a total lump sum amount, and payment
terms around specific and measurable (qualitative and quantitative)
- Payment will be made in three installments as follows:
20% of total contract amount - on submission of the reports outline and
consultant’s work plan on the assignment with weekly check points and
envisaged reporting to the supervisor.
- 40% of total contract amount - on submission of draft report for assigned region
- 40% of total contract amount - on submission of final report for assigned region to the level of satisfaction
6. Monitoring/reporting requirements
The consultant will act under supervision of Project Manager. He/she
will receive necessary guidance, clarification, information/materials on
CBA that may be needed for this task. CBA will facilitate in getting
necessary information from regional and rayon authority. He/she should
discuss and agree with supervisor about details of tasks, formats, work
plan, organizational and coordination arrangement prior to the start of
the assignment. He/she will duly inform CBA Project Manager of any
problems, issues or delays arising in the course of implementation of
assignment and take necessary steps to address them.
7. Experience and qualifications requirements
- The consultant should possess the following qualifications:
At least Bachelor degree in environmental science, engineering with
proven four year experience in the field of energy planning;
- Knowledge about conducting/managing research, planning and strategy development in energy sector would be an asset
- Experienced in working with the local/regional/national authorities
- Excellent computer skills
- Experience of working or cooperating with international organizations would be an asset, but not required
- Professional fluency in Ukrainian/Russian (spoken and written);
- Knowledge of English would be an asset, but not required;